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Brexit Deal Agreement

The Brexit deal agreement, reached after years of negotiations and political turmoil, has finally been ratified by both the United Kingdom and the European Union. This historic agreement outlines the terms for the UK`s departure from the EU, and establishes a framework for future trade relations and cooperation.

The agreement covers a wide range of issues, from immigration and security to trade and finance. One of the key aspects of the agreement is the establishment of a transition period, which will last until December 31, 2020. During this time, the UK will continue to follow EU rules and regulations, while negotiating the terms of its future relationship with the EU.

The deal also addresses the controversial issue of the Irish border, which has been a major sticking point in the negotiations. The agreement establishes a “backstop” mechanism, which will come into effect if a future trade agreement between the UK and EU cannot be reached. This mechanism will ensure that there is no hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and that the Good Friday Agreement is protected.

Another important aspect of the Brexit agreement is the future trade relationship between the UK and the EU. The agreement outlines a framework for a free trade agreement, which will eliminate tariffs and barriers to trade in goods and services. However, the details of this agreement will need to be negotiated during the transition period.

Overall, the Brexit deal agreement represents a significant milestone in the UK`s relationship with the EU. While there are still many details that need to be worked out, the agreement provides a clear roadmap for the future, and lays the foundation for continued cooperation and partnership between the UK and the EU.