News & Publications

What Are the Working Agreement

As a freelance copy editor or a client seeking editorial services, it is important to have a clear working agreement to ensure a smooth and successful collaboration. A working agreement is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of the project, including deadlines, payment, and deliverables. Here are the key elements that should be included in a working agreement:

Scope of Work

This section should clearly define the project’s scope, including the expected deliverables, the timelines, and any specific requirements or preferences. For a copy editing project, this may include the word count, the style guide, and any formatting guidelines.

Payment Terms

It is important to establish the payment terms upfront. This should include the payment amount, the payment schedule, and any late fees. It is also important to determine the payment method and any additional charges, such as transaction fees or taxes.

Communication and Feedback

To ensure effective communication and feedback, it is important to establish the preferred mode of communication, the frequency of updates, and the response time. It is also important to establish the protocol for feedback and revisions. For instance, who will be responsible for providing feedback, how long the editor has to make revisions, and whether there will be additional charges for revisions.

Copyright and Ownership

This section should clearly state who owns the copyright for the project. Usually, copyright ownership is transferred to the client upon payment. However, it is important to establish any specific rights or permissions for the use of the edited material. This may include licensing rights, restrictions, or disclaimers.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements are essential when it comes to copy editing. This section should state that the editor will maintain strict confidentiality and non-disclosure of all confidential information. It should also establish the protocol for handling confidential information, such as any security measures or encryption methods.

Termination and Cancellation

It is important to establish the termination and cancellation terms upfront. This should include the reasons for termination or cancellation, any penalties, and the refund policy (if applicable).


In summary, having a working agreement is vital for any copy editing project. It ensures that both parties are on the same page and that the project is completed successfully. As a freelance copy editor or a client seeking editorial services, it is important to carefully review and negotiate the terms of the agreement before signing.