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Zero Based Budgeting applied to marketing & communication

ZBB means Zero-Based Budgeting. The idea behind this acronym is simple yet powerful: start from a blank page. This discipline originally used to increase the efficiency of physical assets is quickly gaining momentum in the areas of marketing and communication. Unilever is an example of a large-scale deployment of ZBB in these areas. A change … Continue reading Zero Based Budgeting applied to marketing & communication

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(In French only) Adoptez l’approche Zero-Based Budget (ZBB)

For English version, see here. ZBB est l’acronyme de Zero-Based Budgeting. Derrière cet acronyme, se cache une idée toute simple mais oh combien puissante : démarrer d’une feuille blanche. Cette pratique, qui à l’origine était utilisée pour augmenter l’efficacité d’actifs physiques (bureaux, centres de production) se répand dans les fonctions marketing et communication, comme l’a démontré récemment … Continue reading (In French only) Adoptez l’approche Zero-Based Budget (ZBB)

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Zero-based budgeting is the highest signal of marketing skill

In his article, Mark Ritson, Marketing professor and columnist says: “Zero-based budgeting is the highest signal of marketing skill”. That’s what ROI\marketing has been delivering to its clients for over a decade.                

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(in French only) Adoptez le ZBB, comme Unilever

ZBB est l’acronyme de Zero-Based Budgeting derrière lequel se cache l’idée toute simple mais oh combien puissante : démarrer d’une feuille blanche. Explications de Michel Sara, fondateur de ROI\marketing.

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