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News & Publications

10 KPI’s to track your brand’s performance on Facebook

Here are 10 KPI’s to track your brand’s performance on Facebook.

Number of fans Number of people that liked the brand page on Facebook and potentially exposed to published posts of this brand.
Progression of the community New likes – unlikes
Reach of posts (Organic vs. paid) Number of fans that see a published post in their newsfeed. Brands can decide to promote posts from their Facebook page to increase the reach of posts.
Hide, Report as Spam, and Unlikes of posts These actions will decrease the number of people you reach.
Posts engagement The number of people that liked, shared, clicked or commented on the post
Post engagement rate Engaged people (liked, commented, clicked, shared) / Reach
Page engagement rate Average of all posts engagement rate OR Engaged people of one post / Total number of fans
Page and Tab Visits The number of times each of your Page tabs was viewed
External Referrers The number of times people came to your Page from a website off of Facebook
Characteristics of people engaged Know better your audience, notably on age, gender, location